Wisschenschaftlich und nicht-wissenschaftlich
@WWW{Buehling,23, Author = {Greinus, Tim and B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2023-02-16}, Year = {2023}, Title = {Character-Entwurf mit KI-Tools}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/character-entwurf-per-ki/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@Electronic{Buehling2023, author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, howpublished = {Videokurs}, month = feb, organization = {Udemy}, title = {Unity und C#: Einstieg ins Game-Engineering}, url = {https://www.udemy.com/course/game-engineering/?referralCode=2ED9DE92408E708607CD}, year = {2023}, }
@WWW{Buehling,2302, Author = {Greinus, Tim and B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2023-02-10}, Year = {2023}, Title = {ChatGPT im GameDesign}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/chatgpt-im-gamedesign/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Greinus23, Author = {Greinus, Tim and B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2023-02-08}, Year = {2023}, Title = {KI: Denk f{\"{u}}r mich!}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/ki-denk-fur-mich/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling,2302a, Author = {Greinus, Tim and B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2023-02-05}, Year = {2023}, Title = {ChatGPT bei der Spieleprogrammierung mit Unity}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/chatgpt-bei-der-spieleprogrammierung-mit-unity/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Greinus2208, Author = {Greinus, Tim and B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2022-08-08}, Year = {2022}, Title = {Was sind Serious Games?}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/serious-games-entwickeln/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling22, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2022-03-04}, Year = {2022}, Title = {Unity 2021/22 und C# online lernen}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/unity-2021-2022-und-c-online-lernen/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Greinus2204a, Author = {Greinus, Tim and B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2022-04-01}, Year = {2022}, Title = {Was muss ich bei der Gestaltung einer Welt beachten?}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/was-muss-ich-bei-der-gestaltung-einer-welt-beachten/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Greinus2204, Author = {Greinus, Tim and B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2022-04-16}, Year = {2022}, Title = {Balancieren von Spielmechaniken}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/balancieren-von-spielmechaniken/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Greinus2206, Author = {Greinus, Tim and B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2022-06-21}, Year = {2022}, Title = {Gestaltung einer Spielhandlung}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/geschichten-erzaehlen/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Greinus22, Author = {Greinus, Tim and B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2022-07-14}, Year = {2022}, Title = {Emotionen verst{\"{a}}rken}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/emotionen-verstaerken/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling22, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2022-11-06}, Year = {2022}, Title = {Pre-Releases in Unity 2022.1.21f1 nicht sichtbar}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/pre-releases-in-unity-2022-1-21f1-nicht-sichtbar/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Greinus2209, Author = {Greinus, Tim and B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2022-09-12}, Year = {2022}, Title = {Kreativtechniken f{\"{u}}r Spielentwicklung}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/kreativtechniken-fuer-spielentwicklung/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Greinus22, Author = {Greinus, Tim and B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2022-10-10}, Year = {2022}, Title = {Wincondition, Ziele und die Essenz}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/wincondition-ziele-und-die-essenz/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@Article{Buehling202208, author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}} and Wagner, Pascal}, date = {2022-08-26}, journaltitle = {gamescom daily}, title = {Hochschule Kempten (Kurzinterview)}, editor = {Gamesmarkt}, issue = {3}, pages = {9}, subtitle = {Educating the gamemakers of tomorrow}, year = {2022}, Url = {https://e-paper.gamesmarkt.de/de/profiles/db2c495990ff/editions/4def6f307ba7ac49adc9/pages/page/5} }
@Electronic{Buehling2022Vid, author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, howpublished = {Videokurs}, organization = {Heise Academy}, title = {Unity und C#: Einstieg ins Game-Engineering}, url = {https://shop.heise-academy.de/game-engineering-mit-unity-und-c-sharp}, year = {2022}, date = {2022-03-04}, }
@WWW{HSK2208, author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, date = {2022-09-01}, editor = {Hochschule Kempten}, title = {Erfolgreicher Messeauftritt auf der GamesCom 2022}, url = {https://www.hs-kempten.de/fakultaet-informatik/aktuelles/informationen-und-nachrichten/informationen-und-nachrichten-details/gamescom-2022-1692}, howpublished = {Blog Post}, year = {2022}, }
@WWW{Greinus2202, Author = {Greinus, Tim and B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2022-02-17}, Year = {2022}, Title = {Figuren im Spiel: PC und NPCs}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/spieler-charaktere-vs-npcs/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Greinus21, Author = {Greinus, Tim and B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2021-12-09}, Year = {2021}, Title = {Was ist ein Charactersheet und wie sieht es aus?}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/was-ist-ein-charactersheet-und-wie-sieht-es-aus/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Greinus2111, Author = {Greinus, Tim and B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2021-11-25}, Year = {2021}, Title = {Ludologie und Narratologie im Game-Design}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/ludologie-und-narratologie-im-game-design/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Greinus2110, Author = {Greinus, Tim and B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2021-10-28}, Year = {2021}, Title = {Sind analoge und digitale Spiele das gleiche?}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/analoge-und-digitale-spiele-unterscheiden/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Greinus2110a, Author = {Greinus, Tim and B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2021-10-14}, Year = {2021}, Title = {Was ist ein Spiel?}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/was-ist-ein-spiel/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Greinus2109, Author = {Greinus, Tim and B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2021-09-23}, Year = {2021}, Title = {Spielmechanik: Bauteile der Interaktion}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/spielmechanik-bauteile-der-interaktion/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Greinus2109a, Author = {Greinus, Tim and B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2021-09-09}, Year = {2021}, Title = {Wie halte ich Spieler in meinem Game?}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/kundenbindung-per-flow/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling21, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2021-01-31}, Year = {2021}, Title = {Kostenloser Schnelleinstieg in Unity 2019/2020}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/kostenloser-schnelleinstieg-in-unity-2019-2020/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Greinus2111a, Author = {Greinus, Tim and B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2021-11-11}, Year = {2021}, Title = {Kategorisierung nach Spielermotivation}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/spiele-einordnen-nach-motivation/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2011d, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-11-18}, Year = {2020}, Title = {09 Sound abspielen - Unity Schnelleinstieg}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbDFB4CYNC0}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@WWW{Buehling2003a, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-03-10}, Year = {2020}, Title = {Was bedeutet Fake Light und Fake Transparency?}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/was-bedeutet-fake-light-und-fake-transparency/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2011b, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-11-18}, Year = {2020}, Title = {11 Schwerkraft Kollision - Unity Schnelleinstieg}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8OPPhC7Xt8}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2011a, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-11-18}, Year = {2020}, Title = {12 Paketmanager & Assetstore - Unity Schnelleinstieg}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tk3pEBP9CVE}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2011, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-11-18}, Year = {2020}, Title = {13 Spiel zur Weitergabe vorbereiten - Unity Schnelleinstieg}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wmj1OPH4OE}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT20, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-11-26}, Year = {2020}, Title = {Lightmap backen in Cycles - Blender 2.91}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0YQPtkOi8Y}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@WWW{Buehling2001, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-01-03}, Year = {2020}, Title = {Jahresr{\"{u}}ckblick 2019}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/jahresruckblick-2019/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling2005, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-05-24}, Year = {2020}, Title = {3D Cursor f{\"{u}}r Unity}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/3d-cursor-fuer-unity/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling2003, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-03-26}, Year = {2020}, Title = {Soll ich Informatik, Game-Development oder Multimedia studieren?}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/soll-ich-informatik-game-development-oder-multimedia-studieren/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling2004, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-04-03}, Year = {2020}, Title = {3D-Gestaltung mit Blender 2.8 und Eevee lernen}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/3d-gestaltung-mit-blender-2-8-und-eevee-lernen/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling2005a, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-05-17}, Year = {2020}, Title = {Unterschied der Pipelines LWRP, URP und HDRP}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/unterschied-der-pipelines-lwrp-urp-und-hdrp/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling2006, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-06-11}, Year = {2020}, Title = {Lokale Variablen vs. Klassen-Member}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/lokale-variablen-vs-klassen-member/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling2007, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-07-08}, Year = {2020}, Title = {Event Bus in Unity und C#}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/event-bus-in-unity-und-csharp/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling20, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-09-12}, Year = {2020}, Title = {Platformer mit LEGO-Figuren selbst erstellen}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/platformer-mit-lego-figuren-selbst-erstellen/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2011c, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-11-18}, Year = {2020}, Title = {10 Kollisionen und Physik-Basics - Unity Schnelleinstieg}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzWofDrl82I}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2003, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-03-10}, Year = {2020}, Title = {Was bedeutet Fake Light / Fake Transparency?}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGPq0dI3oPI}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2011e, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-11-18}, Year = {2020}, Title = {08 Scripte-Eigenschaften im Inspector - Unity Schnelleinstieg}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTPHchPhLlw}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2005b, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-05-24}, Year = {2020}, Title = {#3 - Native Cursor Control - Hand Cursor Asset for Unity}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cglG4kK8QFg}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2006d, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-06-16}, Year = {2020}, Title = {Weitere Modellierungstechniken - Vorschau - Blender 2.8}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VY8mDnpqF8A}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2006e, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-06-16}, Year = {2020}, Title = {Spline-Modellierung - Vorschau - Blender 2.8}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLcBh5MIFQU}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2006f, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-06-16}, Year = {2020}, Title = {Mesh-Modellierung - Vorschau - Blender 2.8}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfGsCnHOnmA}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2006g, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-06-16}, Year = {2020}, Title = {Grundlagen der Programmoberfl{\"{a}}che - Vorschau - Blender 2.8}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DghXnRCllAE}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2006h, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-06-16}, Year = {2020}, Title = {Mit Grundk{\"{o}}rpern arbeiten - Vorschau - Blender 2.8}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raM9Tkcz_SY}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2005, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-05-24}, Year = {2020}, Title = {Features and Promo - Hand Cursor Asset for Unity}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=le5XbnMwynI}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2011f, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-11-18}, Year = {2020}, Title = {07 Elemente de/aktivieren mit Enabled, SetActive - Unity Schnelleinstieg}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGE6Jl0ZJKE}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2005c, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-05-24}, Year = {2020}, Title = {#2 - Layer Setup - Hand Cursor Asset for Unity}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIwVCWK4PnY}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2006b, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-06-17}, Year = {2020}, Title = {Licht & Schatten - Vorschau - Blender 2.8}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_N4N7R1vK3I}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2005d, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-05-24}, Year = {2020}, Title = {#8 - Cursor Symbol Tutorial - Hand Cursor Asset for Unity}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxTFgVOhf4M}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2005e, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-05-24}, Year = {2020}, Title = {#4 - Set Cursor - Hand Cursor Asset for Unity}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSsHOK-oWxA}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2005f, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-05-24}, Year = {2020}, Title = {#9 - Cursor States and LazyUpdate - Hand Cursor Asset for Unity}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqTv-Zw1Tk8}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2005g, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-05-24}, Year = {2020}, Title = {#5 - Set Cursor 2D - Hand Cursor Asset for Unity}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G86tWmRKU-U}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2005h, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-05-24}, Year = {2020}, Title = {#6 - Light Layers - Hand Cursor Asset for Unity}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fwa5TgTACUk}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2005i, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-05-24}, Year = {2020}, Title = {#1 - Quickstart - Hand Cursor Asset for Unity}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08QSjdOQgwI}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{Buehling2020Ud, author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, howpublished = {Videokurs}, organization = {Udemy}, title = {Blender 2.8 von A-Z: 3D-Gestaltung mit Eevee}, url = {https://www.udemy.com/course/blender-280-von-a-z/}, year = {2020}, date = {2020-04-05}, }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2004, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-04-05}, Year = {2020}, Title = {Blender 2.8 von A-Z - online Videokurs - Werbung}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MF6JRekIKu8}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2006c, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-06-16}, Year = {2020}, Title = {Material & Textur - Vorschau - Blender 2.8}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j__U77N_P6Q}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2005a, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-05-24}, Year = {2020}, Title = {#7 - Cursor Symbols - Hand Cursor Asset for Unity}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0YUzaL9q_Y}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2006a, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-06-17}, Year = {2020}, Title = {Animation - Vorschau - Blender 2.8}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BW1OWDAuL_8}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2007a, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-07-18}, Year = {2020}, Title = {#06 Bilder und andere Datentypen - Event Bus in Unity}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBS1lZYpq-4}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2011g, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-11-18}, Year = {2020}, Title = {06 Updateloop, Rotate, deltaTime - Unity Schnelleinstieg}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVX4uTFLjMk}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2011h, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-11-18}, Year = {2020}, Title = {05 Klassenaufbau MonoBehaviour - Unity Schnelleinstieg}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovArizGQ8fI}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2011i, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-11-18}, Year = {2020}, Title = {04 C#-Scripte verwenden - Unity Schnelleinstieg}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGt6eNJ1OQg}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2011j, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-11-18}, Year = {2020}, Title = {03 Modelle aus Blender nach Unity exportieren - Unity Schnelleinstieg}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yU0gU2Uo14}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2011k, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-11-18}, Year = {2020}, Title = {02 Projekt-Grundaufbau - Unity Schnelleinstieg}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdHXSj9-6c4}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2011l, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-11-18}, Year = {2020}, Title = {01 Installieren und Projekt anlegen - Unity Schnelleinstieg}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSktqTMuVEE}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2007, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-07-18}, Year = {2020}, Title = {#09 Click Ereignis - Event Bus in Unity}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMv77JOkRz0}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2007b, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-07-18}, Year = {2020}, Title = {#03 - Basis Scripte - Event Bus in Unity}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIa9Uy4ZjeY}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2007c, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-07-18}, Year = {2020}, Title = {#01 Motivation - Event Bus in Unity}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htabZdqH4wM}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2007d, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-07-18}, Year = {2020}, Title = {#07 Fortschrittsbalken: Varianten durch Vererbung - Event Bus in Unity}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhgiDK09okk}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2007e, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-07-18}, Year = {2020}, Title = {#05 Res{\"{u}}mee der Vorteile - Event Bus in Unity}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrHCnsnm1Ok}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2007f, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-07-18}, Year = {2020}, Title = {#04 Event-Bus anlegen - Event Bus in Unity}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHoERI5aUlM}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2007g, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-07-18}, Year = {2020}, Title = {#02 Projekt anlegen - Event Bus in Unity}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GT-OZh6caHE}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2007h, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-07-18}, Year = {2020}, Title = {#08 Ablaufender Fortschritt per Update-Event - Event Bus in Unity}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkncFLNfOh0}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT2006, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2020-06-17}, Year = {2020}, Title = {Produktion & Ausgabe - Vorschau - Blender 2.8}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cp-kwLO8tp4}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1905c, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-05-07}, Year = {2019}, Title = {Scharfe Kanten im gegl{\"{a}}tteten Objekt per Edge Split definieren}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnAvqzSm-RY}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1905a, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-05-21}, Year = {2019}, Title = {Blender Cycles: reines Wei{\ss} und leuchtende Farben - Alpha auf 1.0 beschr{\"{a}}nken}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWlrguQGQNY}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1905b, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-05-13}, Year = {2019}, Title = {Varianten der Texturierung parametrischer Objekte in Blender}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKlKXiTVQM8}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1904a, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-04-09}, Year = {2019}, Title = {Wozu braucht man Blender?}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfKjI_QwJaI}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1905d, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-05-01}, Year = {2019}, Title = {Achsen und Richtungen im 3D-Raum - Blender}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nSCBMM48dU}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1904, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-04-19}, Year = {2019}, Title = {Udemy Videoplayer Update}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1_j-763Kq0}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1907, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-07-23}, Year = {2019}, Title = {Unity UI-Strings aus Textfile lesen}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcAZ5C-IcNM}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1903, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-03-20}, Year = {2019}, Title = {Wie kann man Spieleentwicklung lernen?}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4LZ0OX9U3o}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1905, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-05-29}, Year = {2019}, Title = {Sternenhimmel - Hintergrund per prozeduralem Node-Material in Blender Cycles}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVs6KY1Yfzg}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1910a, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-10-02}, Year = {2019}, Title = {Gezipptes .unitypackage oder .blend auf Mac entpacken}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0DY6wsOFYo}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1908g, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-08-01}, Year = {2019}, Title = {Z{\"{a}}hlen solange Button gedr{\"{u}}ckt gehalten wird - Unity}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HlpZTM-I_E}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1908f, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-08-06}, Year = {2019}, Title = {01 Workspaces und Layout - Neu in Blender 2.8}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jc2Lkcvx44}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1908e, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-08-07}, Year = {2019}, Title = {02 Neue Tastenbelegungen - Neu in Blender 2.8}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3h9xegDlGCw}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1908d, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-08-08}, Year = {2019}, Title = {03 Maustasten, Objektorganisation und Collections - Neu in Blender 2.8}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZfxDoI8FgM}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1908c, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-08-09}, Year = {2019}, Title = {04 Edit-Mode-Werkzeuge - Neu in Blender 2.8}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARkmswwHnH8}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1908b, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-08-10}, Year = {2019}, Title = {05 Viewport-Tools - Neu in Blender 2.8}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83OOybMubVM}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1908a, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-08-11}, Year = {2019}, Title = {06 Zeitleistenanimation - Neu in Blender 2.8}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnGm9pkBPrA}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1908, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-08-12}, Year = {2019}, Title = {07 Alte Datei {\"{o}}ffnen, Eevee und Korrektur fehlender Assets - Neu in Blender 2.8}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agM32B2wx_U}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1910, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-10-29}, Year = {2019}, Title = {Wie wird ein K{\"{u}}rbis in Blender 2.8 modelliert?}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONlUmIBB6zE}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@WWW{Buehling1902i, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-02-13}, Year = {2019}, Title = {Bruchlandung auf fremdem Planeten in Blender}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/bruchlandung-auf-fremdem-planeten-in-blender/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1902j, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-02-11}, Year = {2019}, Title = {Praktikum im Bereich 3D und GameDesign finden}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/praktikum-im-bereich-3d-und-gamedesign-finden/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@Electronic{Buehling2019Ga, author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, howpublished = {Video Game}, title = {Fart Fiasco}, url = {https://www.fartfiasco.com}, year = {2019}, date = {2019-07-01}, }
@WWW{Buehling1902h, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-02-13}, Year = {2019}, Title = {Rechner f{\"{u}}r Blender und Unity bauen - Teil 1 - Einleitung & {\"{U}}berblick}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/rechner-fur-blender-und-unity-bauen-teil-1-high-end-gaming-rechner-2019/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1910, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-10-29}, Year = {2019}, Title = {Halloween-K{\"{u}}rbis in Blender 2.8 modellieren}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/halloween-kuerbis-in-blender-2-8-modellieren/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1903, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-03-20}, Year = {2019}, Title = {Bild mit Transparenz auf ein GameObject aufkleben}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/bild-mit-transparenz-auf-ein-gameobject-aufkleben-unity-decal/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1904, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-04-11}, Year = {2019}, Title = {Kostenpflichtigen Content in Unity-Spiele einbauen}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/kostenpflichtigen-content-in-unity-spiele-einbauen/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1906b, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-06-10}, Year = {2019}, Title = {Neu: Power-Kurs Unity - Gro{\ss}es Komplettpaket}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/neu-power-kurs-unity-grosses-komplettpaket/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1906a, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-06-19}, Year = {2019}, Title = {Partikelsystem ein/ausschalten in Unity 2019}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/partikelsystem-ein-ausschalten-in-unity-2019/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1906, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-06-28}, Year = {2019}, Title = {Zus{\"{a}}tzliches API-Level in Unity-Android-SDK installieren}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/zusatzliches-api-level-in-unity-android-sdk-installieren/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1907, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-07-23}, Year = {2019}, Title = {UI-Text aus Text-Datei bef{\"{u}}llen}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/ui-text-aus-text-datei-befuellen/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1908a, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-08-01}, Year = {2019}, Title = {Z{\"{a}}hler erh{\"{o}}hen solange ein Button gedr{\"{u}}ckt wird}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/zaehler-erhoehen-solange-ein-button-gedrueckt-wird/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1908, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-08-13}, Year = {2019}, Title = {Umstieg auf Blender 2.8 - Was ist neu?}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/umstieg-auf-blender-2-8-was-ist-neu/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1909, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-09-15}, Year = {2019}, Title = {Spielidee patentieren und sch{\"{u}}tzen}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/spiel-idee-patentieren-und-schuetzen/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1910a, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-10-02}, Year = {2019}, Title = {Gezippte .blend oder .unitypackage auf dem Mac entpacken}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/gezippte-blend-oder-unitypackage-auf-dem-mac-entpacken/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling19, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-12-10}, Year = {2019}, Title = {Flackernde Weihnachtskerze in Blender 2.8 - Tutorial}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/flackernde-weihnachtskerze-in-blender-2-8-tutorial/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1902, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-02-26}, Year = {2019}, Title = {Rechner f{\"{u}}r Blender bauen - Teil 9 - Leistungstest Cycles & Eevee}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/rechner-fur-blender-bauen-teil-9-benchmark-leistungstest-cycles-und-eevee/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1903a, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-03-07}, Year = {2019}, Title = {#9 Leistungstest Cycles & Eevee - Blender-Rechner bauen}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zByt0YGBEf0}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1903b, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-03-07}, Year = {2019}, Title = {#8 Peripherie und Treiber - Blender-Rechner bauen}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anC_kaKp2WQ}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@WWW{Buehling1902g, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-02-14}, Year = {2019}, Title = {Rechner f{\"{u}}r Blender bauen - Teil 2 - Geh{\"{a}}use und Netzteil}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/hardware-fuer-blender-cycles-rendering-teil-2/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1903d, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-03-07}, Year = {2019}, Title = {#6 Grafikkarte und Netzteil anschlie{\ss}en - Blender-Rechner bauen}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZ95MeDbxMQ}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1903e, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-03-07}, Year = {2019}, Title = {#5 Board einsetzen und Frontpanel anschlie{\ss}en - Blender-Rechner bauen}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08Ln0T-e_zk}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1903f, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-03-07}, Year = {2019}, Title = {#4 DDR4-RAM und SSD-Festplattenspeicher einbauen - Blender-Rechner bauen}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPx20dhAoEo}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1903g, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-03-07}, Year = {2019}, Title = {#3 Motherboard, Prozessor, Prozessorl{\"{u}}fter - Blender-Rechner bauen}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_-Wh-wa_hk}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1903h, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-03-07}, Year = {2019}, Title = {#2 Geh{\"{a}}use und Netzteil - Blender-Rechner bauen}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZe5JJvC1ak}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1903i, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-03-07}, Year = {2019}, Title = {#1 Gaming PC f{\"{u}}r Blender & Unity - {\"{U}}berblick und Komponenten}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_vA73xdwPA}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{Buehling2019Ud, author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, howpublished = {Videokurs}, organization = {Udemy}, title = {Vertiefungskurs C# f{\"{u}}r Unity: Code-Techniken trainieren}, url = {https://www.udemy.com/unity-cards/}, year = {2019}, date = {2019-10-02}, }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT19, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-12-10}, Year = {2019}, Title = {Flackernde Weihnachtskerze in Blender 2.8 - Tutorial}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjUhzNiVSaQ}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1903c, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-03-07}, Year = {2019}, Title = {#7 CD und HDD - Blender-Rechner bauen}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0Dsrv_MXZA}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@WWW{Buehling1902a, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-02-22}, Year = {2019}, Title = {Rechner f{\"{u}}r Blender bauen - Teil 8 - Ger{\"{a}}te anschlie{\ss}en und erster Start}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/rechner-fur-blender-bauen-teil-8-gerate-anschliessen-und-erster-start/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1902b, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-02-21}, Year = {2019}, Title = {Rechner f{\"{u}}r Blender bauen - Teil 7 - CD/DVD-Laufwerk und zus{\"{a}}tzliche Festplatte}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/rechner-fur-blender-bauen-teil-7-cd-dvd-laufwerk-und-zusatzliche-festplatte/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1902f, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-02-18}, Year = {2019}, Title = {Rechner f{\"{u}}r Blender bauen - Teil 3 - Prozessor und K{\"{u}}hler}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/rechner-fur-blender-bauen-teil-3-prozessor-und-kuhler/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1903a, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-03-14}, Year = {2019}, Title = {UV-Map inklusive Textur neu abbilden (Blender)}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/uv-map-inklusive-textur-neu-abbilden-blender/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1902e, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-02-19}, Year = {2019}, Title = {Rechner f{\"{u}}r Blender bauen - Teil 4 - Arbeitsspeicher und Festplatte}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/rechner-fur-blender-bauen-teil-4-arbeitsspeicher-und-festplatte/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1902c, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-02-20}, Year = {2019}, Title = {Rechner f{\"{u}}r Blender bauen - Teil 6 - Grafikkarte und Stromversorgung}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/rechner-fur-blender-bauen-teil-6-grafikkarte-und-stromversorgung/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1902d, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2019-02-19}, Year = {2019}, Title = {Rechner f{\"{u}}r Blender bauen - Teil 5 - Mainboard einsetzen}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/rechner-fur-blender-bauen-teil-5-mainboard-einsetzen/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1803d, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2018-03-03}, Year = {2018}, Title = {Reflection Material ist schwarz - Unity 2017.3 [Werbung]}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5b6crBNVyE}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1809d, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2018-09-19}, Year = {2018}, Title = {PixelRGP mit Unity 2D erstellen - Kurs Intro}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZdpHyKwUpk}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1805, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2018-05-17}, Year = {2018}, Title = {Unity installieren (MacOS) [Werbung]}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUrrvY4sYZw}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@WWW{Buehling1801a, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2018-01-04}, Year = {2018}, Title = {Die besten Quellen f{\"{u}}r 3D-Modelle}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/die-besten-quellen-fuer-3d-modelle/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1803a, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2018-03-12}, Year = {2018}, Title = {Zusatzassets f{\"{u}}r den Asset Store organisieren [Werbung]}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jWeVpYNbd4}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1803b, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2018-03-12}, Year = {2018}, Title = {Warum im Asset Store verkaufen? [Werbung]}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y84TUTMkE-A}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1803c, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2018-03-12}, Year = {2018}, Title = {Game Assets verkaufen: Unity Asset Store Leitfaden [Werbung]}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPC0_rPjWPg}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1802a, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2018-02-27}, Year = {2018}, Title = {Der komplette C# Unity Kurs - Entwickle eigene 3D Spiele [Werbung]}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbIy68Tn-1Y}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1802, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2018-02-27}, Year = {2018}, Title = {C# f{\"{u}}r Unity lernen - Inhalts{\"{u}}bersicht [Werbung]}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUT_BC8QxyU}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1809b, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2018-09-19}, Year = {2018}, Title = {Unitys 2D Tilemap System erkl{\"{a}}rt}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYJH82LDdE0}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1802b, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2018-02-27}, Year = {2018}, Title = {Ausl{\"{o}}ser (Trigger) f{\"{u}}r Speicherpunkte in Unity anlegen [Werbung]}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmOtPf0-MVY}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1802c, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2018-02-27}, Year = {2018}, Title = {C# lernen - Coding-Crashkurs-{\"{U}}berblick [Werbung]}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SM2QVjEizxE}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1802d, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2018-02-27}, Year = {2018}, Title = {Fontawesome in Unity verwenden [Werbung]}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5F7OHa6P8rY}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{Buehling2018Ud, author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, howpublished = {Videokurs}, organization = {Udemy}, title = {Komplettkurs C# f{\"{u}}r Unity: Entwickle eigene 3D-Spiele}, url = {https://www.udemy.com/csharp-gamedev/}, year = {2018}, date = {2018-02-27}, }
@Electronic{Buehling2018Ud2, author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, howpublished = {Videokurs}, organization = {Udemy}, title = {Game Assets verkaufen: Leitfaden f{\"{u}}r den Asset Store}, url = {https://www.udemy.com/assets-verkaufen/}, year = {2018}, date = {2018-03-12}, }
@Electronic{Buehling2018Ud3, author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, howpublished = {Videokurs}, organization = {Udemy}, title = {Der ultimative 2D-Unity-Kurs f{\"{u}}r PixelArt}, url = {https://www.udemy.com/pixelart-gamedev-unity-aseprite/}, year = {2018}, date = {2018-09-19}, }
@Electronic{Buehling2018Ud4, author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, howpublished = {Videokurs}, organization = {Udemy}, title = {Blender und Cycles: Der ultimative 3D Animation Kurs}, url = {https://www.udemy.com/course/blender-cycles/}, year = {2018}, date = {2018-12-21}, }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1809c, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2018-09-19}, Year = {2018}, Title = {Unity 2D Eingabesteuerung auslagern}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUUClYIPl1Q}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1803, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2018-03-12}, Year = {2018}, Title = {Verbotenes im Asset Store [Werbung]}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1wcLMIMaqA}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1809a, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2018-09-19}, Year = {2018}, Title = {PixelArt Baum zeichnen - Blattdetails}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c14QeMRZiaY}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@WWW{Buehling1805, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2018-05-29}, Year = {2018}, Title = {DSGVO - jedes Unity-Spiel betroffen?}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/dsgvo-jedes-spiel-betroffen/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1801, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2018-01-23}, Year = {2018}, Title = {Deutsche {\"{U}}bersetzung f{\"{u}}r Blender aktivieren}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/deutsche-uebersetzung-fuer-blender/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1803b, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2018-03-23}, Year = {2018}, Title = {XML oder PlayerPrefs f{\"{u}}r Savegames?}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/xml-oder-playerprefs-fuer-savegames/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1803a, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2018-03-26}, Year = {2018}, Title = {Public oder SerializeField f{\"{u}}r Inspector-Sichtbarkeit?}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/public-oder-serializefield-fuer-inspector-sichtbarkeit/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1803, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2018-03-29}, Year = {2018}, Title = {Icon f{\"{u}}r Firebase Push-Notification in Unity (Android) einstellen}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/icon-fuer-firebase-push-notification-in-unity-android-einstellen/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1804a, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2018-04-16}, Year = {2018}, Title = {ScriptableObjects und Inventar: {\"{u}}ber 2 Stunden neue Videos}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/scriptableobjects-und-inventar-ueber-2-stunden-neue-videos/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1809, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2018-09-19}, Year = {2018}, Title = {Pixel RGP mit Aseprite und Unity erstellen?}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpv60sCncH8}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@WWW{Buehling1804, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2018-04-28}, Year = {2018}, Title = {Modell-R{\"{u}}ckseiten in Unity anzeigen}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/modell-rueckseiten-in-unity-anzeigen/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1805a, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2018-05-12}, Year = {2018}, Title = {Wie Farbe im GameDesign wirkt}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/wie-farbe-im-gamedesign-wirkt/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1806, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2018-06-01}, Year = {2018}, Title = {Schiffsschraube oder Propeller in Unity animieren}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLuYI-W-Hdw}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@WWW{Buehling1806, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2018-06-24}, Year = {2018}, Title = {Frei verwendbare Musik von Chris H{\"{u}}lsbeck}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/freie-musik-ressourcen-von-chris-huelsbeck/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1807, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2018-07-23}, Year = {2018}, Title = {Propeller oder Schiffschraube in Unity realisieren}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/schiffschraube-animieren__xkex392a/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1809a, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2018-09-03}, Year = {2018}, Title = {Aktualisierung der Nutzungsvertr{\"{a}}ge f{\"{u}}r AssetStore-Anbieter}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/aktualisierung-nutzungsvertraege-assetstore-publisher/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1809, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2018-09-18}, Year = {2018}, Title = {Pixel-pr{\"{a}}zises Rendering in Unity}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/pixel-praezises-rendering-in-unity/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT18, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2018-12-21}, Year = {2018}, Title = {Blender und Cycles: Der ultimative 3D Animation Kurs}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F80HH5Isx5E}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@WWW{Buehling18, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2018-12-22}, Year = {2018}, Title = {Animationsfilme mit Blender und Cycles erstellen}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/animationsfilme-mit-blender-und-cycles-erstellen/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1812, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2018-12-15}, Year = {2018}, Title = {2D-Sound in Unity unabh{\"{a}}ngig abspielen}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/2d-sound-in-unity-unabhaengig-abspielen/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1811, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2018-11-08}, Year = {2018}, Title = {Verzerrungsarmes Texturieren einer Kugel in Blender}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/uv-texturieren-kugel-blender/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1810, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2018-10-17}, Year = {2018}, Title = {Visual Scripting f{\"{u}}r Unity im Vergleich (Update 2020)}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/visual-scripting-fuer-unity-im-vergleich/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1807a, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2018-07-12}, Year = {2018}, Title = {Strengere Lizenz- und Profil-Anforderungen f{\"{u}}r AssetStore-Publisher}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/strengere-lizenz-und-profil-anforderungen-assetstore/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@Electronic{Buehling2017Ud2, author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, howpublished = {Videokurs}, organization = {Udemy}, title = {Komplettkurs Blender f{\"{u}}r Unity: Lerne 3D-Modellierung}, url = {https://www.udemy.com/blender-gamedev/}, year = {2017}, date = {2017-10-08}, }
@Electronic{Buehling2017Ga, author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, howpublished = {Video Game}, title = {A Room Beyond}, url = {https://www.aroombeyond.com}, year = {2017}, date = {2017-07-01}, }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1710f, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2017-10-08}, Year = {2017}, Title = {So installierst Du Blender [Werbung]}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkV751VaBks}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{Buehling2017Ud, author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, howpublished = {Videokurs}, organization = {Udemy}, title = {Kreativit{\"{a}}t & Ideenfindung f{\"{u}}r Spiele-Entwickler}, url = {https://www.udemy.com/kreativitaet-ideenfindung-fuer-spiele-entwickler/}, year = {2017}, date = {2017-07-01}, }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1710g, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2017-10-08}, Year = {2017}, Title = {Inhalt Komplettkurs Blender f{\"{u}}r Unity [Werbung]}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rokfluMdFo}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1710e, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2017-10-08}, Year = {2017}, Title = {Neue Objekte anlegen und in Ebenen organisieren [Werbung]}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaopoaC1Lxo}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1710d, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2017-10-08}, Year = {2017}, Title = {Boolschen Operator in Blender anwenden [Werbung]}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrgIHPbu5hk}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1710c, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2017-10-08}, Year = {2017}, Title = {Kreativit{\"{a}}t & Ideenfindung f{\"{u}}r Spiele-Entwickler [Werbung]}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mhhnopx699g}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1710b, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2017-10-08}, Year = {2017}, Title = {Kreativit{\"{a}}t als Schl{\"{u}}ssel zum Erfolg [Werbung]}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUedrFH4e8U}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1710a, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2017-10-08}, Year = {2017}, Title = {Weshalb Dir nichts einf{\"{a}}llt [Werbung]}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHGI784Am2Q}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT17, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2017-11-18}, Year = {2017}, Title = {Biped-Workshop Inhalt [Werbung]}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vsRL2rxDqc}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{BuehlingYT1710, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2017-10-08}, Year = {2017}, Title = {Ideen systematisch organisieren [Werbung]}, Url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezTnt0u2HZs}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@WWW{Buehling1711, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2017-11-18}, Year = {2017}, Title = {Biped-Workshop: Fast 3 Stunden neues Trainings-Material}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/biped-workshop-fast-3-stunden-neues-trainings-material/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1708, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2017-08-07}, Year = {2017}, Title = {Bibliotheks-Code in mehreren Unity-Projekten nutzen}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/bibliotheks-code-in-mehreren-unity-projekten-nutzen/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1710, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2017-10-30}, Year = {2017}, Title = {Game-Binaries mit Versionsnummer versehen}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/game-binaries-mit-versionsnummer-versehen/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1708a, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2017-08-06}, Year = {2017}, Title = {Individuelle Projekt-Parameter f{\"{u}}r Benutzer oder Rechner}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/indie-projekt-einstellungen/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1707, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2017-07-17}, Year = {2017}, Title = {Reagieren, wenn der SceneManager ein Level nicht l{\"{a}}dt}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/reagieren-wenn-scenemanager-ein-level-nicht-laedt/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1707a, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2017-07-08}, Year = {2017}, Title = {Listen unterschiedlicher Klassen speichern und laden (Serialisierung)}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/listen-unterschiedlicher-klassen-speichern-und-laden-serialisierung/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1707b, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2017-07-04}, Year = {2017}, Title = {Unitys MovieTexture crasht auf dem Mac [L{\"{o}}sungen]}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/unity-movietexture-null-exception/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@Article{Buehling2016_makinggames, Title = {Halbautomatische Pixelgrafik}, Author = {B\"{u}hling, Ren\'{e}}, Journal = {Making Games Magazine}, Year = {2016}, Month = {October}, Number = {06/2016}, Pages = {69-73}, Timestamp = {2016.10.21}, Url = {http://shop.computec.de/pc-magazine/making-games-produkte/digitale-einzelhefte/making-games-06-2016-epaper-pdf.html} }
@InProceedings{7272575, Title = {Visualization Support for Comparing Energy Consumption Data}, Author = {Masoodian, Masood and Lugrin, Birgit and Buhling, Rene and Andre, Elisabeth}, Booktitle = {Information Visualisation (iV), 2015 19th International Conference on}, Year = {2015}, Month = {July}, Pages = {28-34}, Doi = {10.1109/iV.2015.17}, ISSN = {1550-6037}, Keywords = {Clocks;Computer science;Computers;Data visualization;Energy consumption;Monitoring;Prototypes;Energy usage visualization;energy usage monitoring;time-base visualizations;time-pie;time-stack}, Url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?tp=&arnumber=7272575&url=http%3A%2F%2Fieeexplore.ieee.org%2Fxpls%2Fabs_all.jsp%3Farnumber%3D7272575} }
@WWW{Buehling15, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2015-11-27}, Year = {2015}, Title = {Text UND Grafik eines Buttons bei MouseOver einf{\"{a}}rben}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/text-und-grafik-eines-buttons-bei-mouseover-einfaerben/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1511, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2015-11-25}, Year = {2015}, Title = {Den SHA1-Wert f{\"{u}}r Android finden}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/sha1-wert-fuer-android-playstore/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1507, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2015-07-22}, Year = {2015}, Title = {ShapeKeys, Mirror-Modifier und Export f{\"{u}}r Unity}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/shapekeys-mirror-modifier-und-export-fuer-unity/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@WWW{Buehling1509, Author = {B{\"{u}}hling, Ren{\'{e}}}, Date = {2015-09-07}, Year = {2015}, Title = {Standard-Inspector in eigenen Editor integrieren}, Url = {https://www.gamedev-profi.de/default-standard-inspector-eigenem-editor/}, HowPublished = {Blog Post}, }
@PhdThesis{Buehling2015_phd, Title = {{\"A}sthetisch motivierte Gestaltung als persuasives Element in interaktiven Medien}, Author = {Ren{\'e} B{\"u}hling}, School = {Augsburg University}, Year = {2015}, Abstract = {F\"{u}r Anwender spielt die Begeisterung für ein Produkt eine wichtige Rolle wenn es darum geht, mit Hilfe von unterst\"{u}tzender Software pers\"{o}nliche Ziele zu erreichen, wie es z.B. bei virtuellen Fitness-Trainern, Ern\"{a}hrungsratgebern, Energiesparassistenten und anderen Empfehlungssystemen der Fall ist. Das Forschungsfeld des "Persuasive Computing" besch\"{a}ftigt sich mit Mechanismen, die einen Anwender zu einem selbst gesteckten Ziel f\"{u}hren. Bisher dominierten in der Informatik sachliche (d.h. messdatennahe) Darstellungsformen als Grundlage von Visualisierungen. Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt einen Beitrag zur \"{a}sthetischen Gestaltung dar, deren emotionale Komponente als persuasives Werkzeug dienen kann. Hierbei spielt weniger die rationale Effizienz als vielmehr die erz\"{a}hlerische Eigenschaft eine Rolle, die sich wiederum besonders gut für dramatische Inszenierungen wie z.B. Computerspiele eignet. Weil der klassische statische Gestaltungsprozess nicht auf die Dynamik interaktiver Medien eingehen kann, wird ein Ansatz zu adaptiver grafischer Formgebung vorgestellt, mit dem sich die visuelle Expressivität einer virtuellen Inszenierung in Echtzeit an eine inhaltliche Dramaturgie anpasst. Diese flexible "Formensprache" wurde f\"{u}r eine virtuelle Landschaft umgesetzt. Durch Anbindung an Energieverbrauchsdaten zeigt der Transfer in ein Alltagsszenario wie eine solche \"{a}sthetische Darstellungsform Aussagen zur Bewertung des eigenen Verhaltens transportieren kann. Konzepte der Spielifizierung bauen auf Wettbewerbs- sowie Kollaborationseffekte auf, die sich in der Weiterentwicklung des \"{a}sthetisch motivierten Ansatzes potentiell für eine Wirkungsverst\"{a}rkung eignen. Virtuelle Agenten lassen sich zudem einsetzen, um durch Personifizierung eine starke emotionale Bindung zu generieren. Anhand von Studien wurden schlie{\ss}lich sachlich und \"{a}sthetisch motivierte Gestaltung gegen\"{u}ber gestellt und das Potential von \"{a}sthetisch motivierter Gestaltung aufgezeigt.}, Keywords = {aesthetic technology; energy saving; interactive cinematography; virtual characters; visualization}, Timestamp = {2015.07.08}, Url = {https://opus.bibliothek.uni-augsburg.de/opus4/frontdoor/index/index/docId/3118} }
@Misc{Buehling2015_polygons, Title = {Wilde Polygone}, Author = {Ren\'{e} B\"{u}hling}, Month = {11}, Note = {Wandkalender, ISBN: 978-3-664-74217-2, 978-3-664-74216-5, 978-3-664-74218-9, 978-3-664-74215-8}, Year = {2015}, Timestamp = {2015.11.11} }
@InProceedings{BuehlingHSA14, Title = {Ästhetisch motivierte Gestaltung als persuasives Element in interaktiven Medien}, Author = {B\"{u}hling, Ren\'{e}}, Booktitle = {Forschungsbericht der Hochschule Augsburg}, Year = {2014}, Address = {Augsburg, Deutschland}, Month = {Oktober}, Note = {Vorstellung des Promotionsthemas}, Pages = {183}, Publisher = {Hochschule Augsburg}, Series = {Forschungsbericht der Hochschule Augsburg}, Comment = {Online-Version}, Timestamp = {2014.08.06}, Url = {https://bc.pressmatrix.com/de/profiles/56a5af20946e/editions/a022f707bf101b5c2891/pages/page/92} }
@Article{Obaid2014_ICSRSORO, Title = {A Framework for User-Defined Body Gestures to Control a Humanoid Robot}, Author = {Obaid, Mohammad and Kistler, Felix and H\"{a}ring, Markus and B\"{u}hling, Ren\'{e} and Andr\'{e}, Elisabeth}, Journal = {International Journal of Social Robotics}, Year = {2014}, Pages = {1-14}, Volume = {-}, Doi = {10.1007/s12369-014-0233-3}, ISSN = {1875-4791}, Keywords = {Humanoid robot; Robot; Nao; Gesture; User-defined; User-defined gestures; Robot navigation; Gesture recognition}, Language = {English}, Publisher = {Springer Netherlands} }
@InProceedings{Dang2014_ITS, author = {Dang, Chi Tai and Masoodian, Masood and B\"{u}hling, Ren\'{e} and Andr\'{e}, Elisabeth}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, ITS '14}, title = {Show-Me: Providing Private Focus Portals to Shared}, address = {Dresden, Germany}, comment = {pie augmentation surface}, owner = {hidden}, year = {2014}, }
@InProceedings{Andre2014_FSEA, Title = {Evaluating the Effectiveness of Visualizations for Comparing Energy Usage Data}, Author = {Andr\'{e}, Elisabeth and B\"{u}hling, Ren\'{e} and Endrass, Birgit and Masoodian, Masood}, Booktitle = {Workshop Proceedings of FSEA 2014, The AVI 2014 Workshop on Fostering Smart Energy Applications through Advanced Visual Interfaces}, Year = {2014}, Address = {Como, Italy}, Pages = {5--8}, Publisher = {Department of Computer Science, The University of Waikato}, Series = {Working Paper Series 01/2014}, Comment = {FSEA'14}, Doi = {10.1145/2598153.2602224}, Url = {https://hcm-lab.de/projects/AVI2014/program/} }
@InCollection{Bredeweg2013_AIMag, Title = {DynaLearn – An Intelligent Learning Environment for Learning Conceptual Knowledge}, Author = {Bredeweg, Bert and Liem, Jochem and Beek, Wouter and Linnebank, Floris and Gracia, Jorge and Lozano, Esther and Wi{\ss}ner, Michael and B\"{u}hling, Ren\'{e} and Salles, Paulo and Noble, Richard and Zitek, Andreas and Borisova, Petya and Mioduser, David}, Booktitle = {AI Magazine}, Publisher = {s.n.}, Year = {2013}, Number = {34 (4)}, Pages = {46--65}, Comment = {AI Magazine}, Url = {http://www.aaai.org/ojs/index.php/aimagazine/issue/view/204/showToc} }
@InProceedings{Buehling2013_UDayXI, Title = {Stereoskopische Projektionen ber\"{u}hrbar machen.}, Author = {B\"{u}hling, Ren\'{e} and Kistler, Felix and Erdenejargal, Byambasuren and Andr\'{e}, Elisabeth}, Booktitle = {Tagungsband des 11. Usability Day zum Thema "Natural User Interfaces"}, Year = {2013}, Address = {Dornbirn, \"{O}sterreich}, Comment = {Usability Day XI}, Url = {http://www.fhv.at/forschung/uct/uday/uday-11} }
@InCollection{damian2013a, Title = {Motion Capturing Empowered Interaction with a Virtual Agent in an Augmented Reality Environment}, Author = {Ionut Damian and Felix Kistler and Obaid, Mohammad and Ren\'e B\"uhling and Billinghurst, Mark and Elisabeth Andr\'e}, Booktitle = {Proc. International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality}, Publisher = {IEEE}, Year = {2013}, Keywords = {Motion Capture virtual agent}, Url = {http://www.informatik.uni-augsburg.de/lehrstuehle/hcm/publications/2013-ISMAR/} }
@InProceedings{Masoodian2013_iV13, Title = {Time-pie visualization: Providing contextual information for energy consumption data.}, Author = {Masoodian, Masood and Endrass, Birgit and B\"{u}hling, Ren\'{e} and Ermolin, Pavel and Andr\'{e}, Elisabeth}, Booktitle = {Proc. of the 17th International Conference on Information Visualisation, iV2013}, Year = {2013}, Address = {London, Great Britain}, Comment = {iV13}, Url = {http://www.graphicslink.co.uk/IV2013/} }
@Electronic{Buehling2012_DLHow, Title = {DynaAgent "How to?"}, Author = {B\"{u}hling, Ren\'{e}}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Url = {http://youtu.be/4ntTUtl2C7E}, Year = {2012}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@InProceedings{Buehling2012_MUM12, Title = {Mobile Augmented Reality and Adaptive Art: A Game-based Motivation for Energy Saving.}, Author = {B\"{u}hling, Ren\'{e} and Obaid, Mohammad and Hammer, Stephan and Andr\'{e}, Elisabeth}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia}, Year = {2012}, Address = {New York, NY, USA}, Pages = {50:1--50:2}, Publisher = {ACM}, Series = {MUM '12}, Acmid = {2406428}, Articleno = {50}, Comment = {MUM12}, Doi = {10.1145/2406367.2406428}, ISBN = {978-1-4503-1815-0}, Keywords = {adaptive art, augmented reality, dynamic visualization, energy awareness, games, mobile devices}, Location = {Ulm, Germany}, Numpages = {2}, Url = {http://www.mum2012.org/} }
@Electronic{Buehling2012_DLQuiz, Title = {DynaAgent "Quiz"}, Author = {B\"{u}hling, Ren\'{e}}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Url = {http://youtu.be/h1FSaaPx0nI}, Year = {2012}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{Buehling2012_DLTA, Title = {DynaLearn Teachable Agent.}, Author = {B\"{u}hling, Ren\'{e}}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Url = {http://youtu.be/nKou3nSnUfA}, Year = {2012}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{Buehling2012_DLWhat, Title = {DynaAgent "What is?"}, Author = {B\"{u}hling, Ren\'{e}}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Url = {http://youtu.be/hvMNnFafc3I}, Year = {2012}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{Buehling2012_FUBI, Title = {Connecting FUBI Gesture Recognition with Blender 2.6 Game Engine.}, Author = {B\"{u}hling, Ren\'{e}}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Url = {http://youtu.be/2QkAez8L4_k}, Year = {2012}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@InProceedings{Obaid2012_ICSR12, Title = {User-Defined Body Gestures for Navigational Control of a Humanoid Robot.}, Author = {Obaid, Mohammad and H\"{a}ring, Markus and Kistler, Felix and B\"{u}hling, Ren\'{e} and Andr\'{e}, Elisabeth}, Booktitle = {Social Robotics}, Year = {2012}, Editor = {Ge, ShuzhiSam and Khatib, Oussama and Cabibihan, John-John and Simmons, Reid and Williams, Mary-Anne}, Note = {Nomination for Best Paper Award}, Pages = {367-377}, Publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, Volume = {7621}, Comment = {ICSR}, Doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-34103-8_37}, ISBN = {978-3-642-34102-1}, Language = {English}, Url = {http://icsoro.org/} }
@Electronic{Buehling2012_DLWhy, Title = {DynaAgent "Why"}, Author = {B\"{u}hling, Ren\'{e}}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Url = {http://youtu.be/FYjKlaGTLdc}, Year = {2012}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@InCollection{Wissner2012_LNAI, Title = {Increasing Learners’ Motivation through Pedagogical Agents: The Cast of Virtual Characters in the DynaLearn ILE.}, Author = {Wi{\ss}ner, Michael and Beek, Wouter and Lozano, Esther and Mehlmann, Gregor and Linnebank, Floris and Liem, Jochem and H\"{a}ring, Markus and B\"{u}hling, Ren\'{e} and Gracia, Jorge and Bredeweg, Bert and Andr\'{e}, Elisabeth}, Booktitle = {Agents for Educational Games and Simulations}, Publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, Year = {2012}, Editor = {Beer, Martin and Brom, Cyril and Dignum, Frank and Soo, Von-Wun}, Pages = {151-165}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, Volume = {7471}, Comment = {DynaLearn}, Doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-32326-3_10}, ISBN = {978-3-642-32325-6}, Keywords = {Pedagogical Agents; Virtual Characters; Intelligent Learning Environments; Motivation; Engagement}, Language = {English}, Url = {http://www.dynalearn.eu} }
@InProceedings{Buehling2011_ICIDS11, author = {B\"{u}hling, Ren\'{e} and Brihi, Emilie and Wi{\ss}ner, Michael and Andr\'{e}, Elisabeth}, booktitle = {Interactive Storytelling}, title = {Adaptive Art - A Shape Language Driven Approach to Communicate Dramaturgy and Mood.}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-25289-1_32}, editor = {Si, Mei and Thue, David and Andr\'{e}, Elisabeth and Lester, JamesC. and Tanenbaum, Joshua and Zammitto, Veronica}, isbn = {978-3-642-25288-4}, language = {English}, pages = {290-293}, publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, url = {http://icids2011.wp.rpi.edu/}, volume = {7069}, comment = {ICIDS11}, keywords = {Interactive Cinematography; Environment and Graphical Effects; Real-time Techniques for Interactive Storytelling; Visual Narrative; Graphical Design}, year = {2011}, }
@InProceedings{Wissner2011_AIED11, Title = {Character Roles and Interaction in the DynaLearn Intelligent Learning Environment.}, Author = {Wi{\ss}ner, Michael and Beek, Wouter and Lozano, Esther and Mehlmann, Gregor and Linnebank, Floris and Liem, Jochem and H\"{a}ring, Markus and B\"{u}hling, Ren\'{e} and Gracia, Jorge and Bredeweg, Bert and Andr\'{e}, Elisabeth}, Booktitle = {Artificial Intelligence in Education}, Year = {2011}, Editor = {Biswas, Gautam and Bull, Susan and Kay, Judy and Mitrovic, Antonija}, Pages = {585-587}, Publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, Volume = {6738}, Comment = {AIED11}, Doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-21869-9_109}, ISBN = {978-3-642-21868-2}, Keywords = {Pedagogical Agents; Virtual Characters; Intelligent Learning Environments; Motivation}, Language = {English}, Url = {http://www.aied2011.canterbury.ac.nz/} }
@Book{Buehling_MSc11, Title = {Konzepte für den Tablet PC}, Author = {Ren\'{e} B\"{u}hling}, Publisher = {VDM}, Year = {2011}, Note = {ISBN-13: 978-3639335750}, Timestamp = {2015.11.11} }
@InProceedings{Beek2011_AIED11, author = {Beek, Wouter and Liem, Jochem and Linnebank, Floris and B\"{u}hling, Ren\'{e} and Wi{\ss}ner, Michael and Lozano, Esther and del R{\'{i}}o, JorgeGracia and Bredeweg, Bert}, booktitle = {Artificial Intelligence in Education}, title = {Knowledgeable Feedback via a Cast of Virtual Characters with Different Competences.}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-21869-9_121}, editor = {Biswas, Gautam and Bull, Susan and Kay, Judy and Mitrovic, Antonija}, isbn = {978-3-642-21868-2}, language = {English}, pages = {620-620}, publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, url = {http://www.aied2011.canterbury.ac.nz/}, volume = {6738}, comment = {AIED11}, year = {2011}, }
@Electronic{Buehling2011_AA1, Title = {Visual Adaption: 1 - Introducing Visual Adaption.}, Author = {B\"{u}hling, Ren\'{e}}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Url = {http://youtu.be/3cyj3xcNQxM}, Year = {2011}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@InProceedings{Buehling2011_SG11, Title = {Visual Communication in Interactive Multimedia.}, Author = {B\"{u}hling, Ren\'{e} and Wi{\ss}ner, Michael and Andr\'{e}, Elisabeth}, Booktitle = {Smart Graphics}, Year = {2011}, Editor = {Dickmann, Lutz and Volkmann, Gerald and Malaka, Rainer and Boll, Susanne and Kr\"{u}ger, Antonio and Olivier, Patrick}, Pages = {159-162}, Publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, Volume = {6815}, Comment = {SmartGraphics11}, Doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-22571-0_18}, ISBN = {978-3-642-22570-3}, Keywords = {Virtual Characters; Graphical Design; Cinematography}, Language = {English}, Url = {http://www.smartgraphics.org/sg11/} }
@Electronic{Buehling2011_DLMovie, Title = {DynaLearn Movie.}, Author = {B\"{u}hling, Ren\'{e}}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Url = {http://youtu.be/GhOsNRDge6U}, Year = {2011}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@TechReport{Wissner2011_D54, Title = {Integrated characters with dialogue and tutorial strategies.}, Author = {Wi{\ss}ner, Michael and B\"{u}hling, Ren\'{e} and Linnebank, Floris and Beek, Wouter and Andr\'{e}, Elisabeth}, Institution = {Augsburg University}, Year = {2011}, Note = {DynaLearn, EC FP7 STREP project 231526, Deliverable D5.2}, Comment = {DynaLearn}, Url = {http://www.dynalearn.eu} }
@Electronic{Buehling2011_AA4, Title = {Visual Adaption: 4 - Using Energy Consumption as Input Driver for Adaptive Artwork.}, Author = {B\"{u}hling, Ren\'{e} and Brihi, Emilie}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Url = {http://youtu.be/smn6FtB_ZMw}, Year = {2011}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@Electronic{Buehling2011_AA2, Title = {Visual Adaption: 2 - A Shape Language driven Approach to communicate Dramaturgy and Mood.}, Author = {B\"{u}hling, Ren\'{e} and Brihi, Emilie}, HowPublished = {Video on Youtube}, Url = {http://youtu.be/0js9uTz-mhs}, Year = {2011}, Comment = {Youtube} }
@TechReport{Wissner2010_D52, Title = {Basic Tutorial Tactics for Virtual Agents.}, Author = {Wi{\ss}ner, Michael and H\"{a}ring, Markus and Mehlmann, Gregor and B\"{u}hling, Ren\'{e} and Milosevic, Urosh and Liem, Jochem and Linnebank, Floris and Beek, Wouter and Bredeweg, Bert and Andr\'{e}, Elisabeth}, Institution = {Augsburg University}, Year = {2010}, Note = {DynaLearn, EC FP7 STREP project 231526, Deliverable D5.2}, Comment = {DynaLearn}, Url = {http://www.dynalearn.eu} }
@TechReport{Wissner2010_D53, Title = {Basic Help and Teachable Agent.}, Author = {Wi{\ss}ner, Michael and H\"{a}ring, Markus and B\"{u}hling, Ren\'{e} and Beek, Wouter and Linnebank, Floris and Liem, Jochem and Bredeweg, Bert and Andr\'{e}, Elisabeth}, Institution = {Augsburg University}, Year = {2010}, Note = {DynaLearn, EC FP7 STREP project 231526, Deliverable D5.3}, Comment = {DynaLearn}, Url = {http://www.dynalearn.eu} }
@InProceedings{Liem2010_ITS10, author = {Liem, Jochem and Bredeweg, Bert and Linnebank, Floris and B\"{u}hling, Ren\'{e} and Wi{\ss}ner, Michael and Gracia del R{\'{i}}o, Jorge and Beek, Wouter and G{\'{o}}mez P\'{e}rez, Asunci{\'{o}}n}, booktitle = {Intelligent Tutoring Systems}, title = {Acquiring Conceptual Knowledge about How Systems Behave.}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-13437-1_105}, editor = {Aleven, Vincent and Kay, Judy and Mostow, Jack}, isbn = {978-3-642-13436-4}, language = {English}, pages = {448-448}, publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, url = {https://sites.google.com/site/its2010home/}, volume = {6095}, address = {Pittsburgh, PA, USA}, comment = {ITS10}, year = {2010}, }
@InProceedings{Mehlmann2010_IVA10, Title = {Multiple Agent Roles in an Adaptive Virtual Classroom Environment.}, Author = {Mehlmann, Gregor and H\"{a}ring, Markus and B\"{u}hling, Ren\'{e} and Wi{\ss}ner, Michael and Andr\'{e}, Elisabeth}, Booktitle = {Intelligent Virtual Agents}, Year = {2010}, Address = {Philadelphia, PA, USA}, Editor = {Allbeck, Jan and Badler, Norman and Bickmore, Timothy and Pelachaud, Catherine and Safonova, Alla}, Pages = {250-256}, Publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, Volume = {6356}, Comment = {IVA10}, Doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-15892-6_26}, ISBN = {978-3-642-15891-9}, Language = {English}, Url = {http://iva2010.seas.upenn.edu/} }
@Misc{Poem2010, author = {de Guise, Syd and Poembeat and Music for open minds}, title = {Ein Heulen aus allen Zellen}, note = {Beitrag Animationsfilm und Interaktives Menü, ASIN: 394100994X}, timestamp = {2015.11.11}, year = {2010}, }
@Misc{Buehling2010_Europatag, Title = {Engaging Virtual Characters in Learning Environment.}, Author = {B\"{u}hling, Ren\'{e} and Wi{\ss}ner, Michael and Andr{\'e}, Elisabeth}, Month = {May}, Note = {Presented at Europe Day in Augsburg}, Year = {2010} }
@InCollection{Buehling2010_ISEI7, Title = {Design Decisions for Virtual Characters in the DynaLearn Interactive Learning Environment.}, Author = {B\"{u}hling, Ren\'{e} and Wi{\ss}ner, Michael and H\"{a}ring, Markus and Mehlmann, Gregor and Andr\'{e}, Elisabeth}, Booktitle = {Book of Abstracts of the 7th International Conference on Ecological Informatics}, Publisher = {Ghent University, Belgium}, Year = {2010}, Pages = {144-145}, Comment = {ISEI7}, Url = {http://www.isei7.ugent.be/} }
@InProceedings{Bredeweg2010_ITS10, author = {Bredeweg, Bert and Liem, Jochem and Linnebank, Floris and B\"{u}hling, Ren\'{e} and Wi{\ss}ner, Michael and del R{\'{i}}o, JorgeGracia and Salles, Paulo and Beek, Wouter and G{\'{o}}mez P\'{e}rez, Asunci{\'{o}}n}, booktitle = {Intelligent Tutoring Systems}, title = {DynaLearn: Architecture and Approach for Investigating Conceptual System Knowledge Acquisition.}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-13437-1_42}, editor = {Aleven, Vincent and Kay, Judy and Mostow, Jack}, isbn = {978-3-642-13436-4}, language = {English}, pages = {272-274}, publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, url = {https://sites.google.com/site/its2010home/}, volume = {6095}, address = {Pittsburgh, PA, USA}, comment = {ITS10}, keywords = {Qualitative reasoning; Conceptual knowledge; ILE architecture}, year = {2010}, }
@InCollection{Endrass2010_ICIDS10, Title = {Teenage Girls as Authors for Digital Storytelling – A Practical Experience Report.}, Author = {Endra{\ss}, Birgit and Wi{\ss}ner, Michael and Mehlmann, Gregor and B\"{u}hling, Ren\'{e} and Haering, Markus and Andr\'{e}, Elisabeth}, Booktitle = {Workshop on Education in Interactive Digital Storytelling held at ICIDS}, Publisher = {s.n.}, Year = {2010}, Address = {Edinburgh, UK}, Comment = {ICIDS2010}, Url = {http://www.macs.hw.ac.uk/icids2010/Home.html} }
@TechReport{Andre2009_D51, Title = {Models and basic animations for characters.}, Author = {Andr\'{e}, Elisabeth and B\"{u}hling, Ren\'{e} and Bee, Nikolaus and Wi{\ss}ner, Michael and H\"{a}ring, Markus}, Institution = {Augsburg University}, Year = {2009}, Note = {DynaLearn, EC FP7 STREP project 231526, Deliverable D5.1.}, Comment = {DynaLearn}, Url = {http://www.dynalearn.eu} }
@TechReport{Bredeweg2009_D21, Title = {Technical design and architecture.}, Author = {Bredeweg, Bert and Andr\'{e}, Elisabeth and Bee, Nikolaus and B\"{u}hling, Ren\'{e} and Gómez-P\'{e}rez, Jose Manuel and H\"{a}ring, Markus and Liem, Jochem and Linnebank, Floris and Thanh Tu Nguyen, Brenda and Trna, Michal and Wi{\ss}ner, Michael}, Institution = {Augsburg University}, Year = {2009}, Note = {DynaLearn, EC FP7 STREP project 231526, Deliverable D2.1}, Comment = {DynaLearn}, Url = {http://www.dynalearn.eu} }
@MastersThesis{Buehling_MA2008, Title = {Game-Design im Focus von Narration und Modularität - Ein Ansatz mit dem 3D-GameStudio}, Author = {Ren\'{e} B\"{u}hling}, School = {Hochschule Augsburg}, Year = {2008}, Type = {Masterarbeit Interaktive Mediensysteme}, Timestamp = {2015.11.11} }
@MastersThesis{Buehling_MSc2007, Title = {Analyse und Neuentwurf von Bedienkonzept und Architektur einer modularen Formularanwendung für den Tablet PC}, Author = {Ren\'{e} B\"{u}hling}, School = {Hochschule Augsburg}, Year = {2007}, Type = {Masterarbeit Informatik}, Timestamp = {2015.11.11} }
@MastersThesis{Buehling_DiplG2006, Title = {Quintarium - Der geträumte Kosmos, Konzeption und gestalterische sowie technische Umsetzung einer virtuellen Welt in Form eines 3D-Adventure-Game}, Author = {Ren\'{e} B\"{u}hling}, School = {Hochschule Augsburg}, Year = {2006}, Type = {Diplomarbeit Multimedia-Gestaltung}, Timestamp = {2015.11.11} }
@MastersThesis{Buehling_DiplI2004, Title = {Entwicklung eines vielseitig einsetzbaren Screenpainters auf Basis von Java und XML}, Author = {Ren\'{e} B\"{u}hling}, School = {Hochschule Augsburg}, Year = {2004}, Type = {Diplomarbeit Informatik}, Timestamp = {2015.11.11} }
@Article{Buehling_SP02, Title = {Wilfried Wildsau rettet die Welt}, Author = {Redaktion SharePlay}, Journal = {SharePlay}, Year = {2002}, Note = {Bericht und Software auf CD-Rom}, Pages = {9}, Volume = {01/2002}, Timestamp = {2015.11.11} }
@Article{Buehling_SP99, Title = {Die Gärten des Horus 2 - Schwabbelgeister}, Author = {Redaktion SharePlay}, Journal = {SharePlay}, Year = {1999}, Note = {Bericht und Software auf CD-Rom}, Pages = {44}, Volume = {6/99}, Timestamp = {2015.11.11} }